Description des fichiers d'importation
ORD_1234.csv (1234 - orderId)
Contains the main order information
You can use next fields in the ORD_1234.csv file:
- orderId - cart ID (1234)
- clientCode - 00 + userId (000432) max 6 signs
- userFullName - user (shopper)
- full name
- purchasedOn - purchased on date (29032021) dmY format
- purchaseType - const "WEBSITE"
- sku - product sku (BikeTest-01)
- qty - product qty (2)
- price - product price (625)
- totalClear - product price product qty (625 2)
- notes - order notes
- purchasedOnPartial - used only for partially paid orders -> date (29032021) dmY format
- total - cart total (1250)
- paymentGateway - gateway of payment
CLI_1234.csv (1234 - orderId)
Contains the main customer's information
You can use next fields in the CLI_1234.csv file:
- clientCode - 00 + userId (000432) max 6 signs
- userFullName - user (shopper)
- full name
- desktopPhone - user desktop phone (0123456789)
- mobilePhone - user mobile phone (0123456789)
- userEmail - user email
- billingAddress - billing address
- billingZip - billing zip
- billingCity - billing city
- billingCounrtyCode - billing counrty code (FR)
- shippingFullName - shipping firstname + shipping lastname
- shippingAddress - shipping address
- shippingZip - shipping zip
- shippingCity - shipping city
- shippingCountry - shipping country (FR)
- storeCurrency - store currency (EUR)
- discount - discount