Top Online Store Solution at your Fingertips
SeoToaster's native shopping cart solution provide a top notch private client area for your customers to access online. Your customers can access their account online to check status on their orders, access shipping tracking information for current orders, and download invoices PDF for their past orders.
SeoToaster's shopping cart back-office dashboard (above) is very intuitive, allowing to filter by order status, view order details and quickly capture shipping tracking information. SeoToaster's smart e-commerce solution then automatically uses your pre-loaded shipping provider to link up the tracking number to their known online parcel tracking website. By the same token, if your customer is registered with gravatar, their globally recognized avatar or head-shot will then show up right on the account screen.
Dashboard pages:
E-commerce Store Dashboard Get critical data and charts for your e-commerce operations at a glance. Store dashboards can be customized at will by uploading new dashboard themes to your free and open source SeoToaster Ecommerce install.
Sales dashboard Default reporting capabilities includes sales and quotes count, along with the average order amount; as well as sales breakdown by customer, by product type, brand, tags, and location.
Web quote system Le système de devis en ligne de SeoToaster est un puissant moteur automatisé qui est entièrement intégré prêt à l'emploi à votre panier d'achat. Les opérateurs de sites Web B2B et B2C trouvent qu'il est idéal de prendre des commandes également par té...
Client Area SeoToaster Ecommerce offers a great online client area where web store owners can manage orders, and customers get access to their past and current order's shipping status.
Order Management A comprehensive order management system at your fingertips. Instant at-a-glance access, rapid search, powerful filters, with an ability to trigger emails automatically.
Catalog Management Store back-end area offers a powerful mass product management interface. From this area, count just one minute to add or delete a product tag, modify pricing or tax classification across thousands of products as required.