How can I display more text in {$featured:area:Name:Max.result: Max.chars:imgc:random}? it cut in the fouth row

asked Jul 25, 2014 by cgcesarcg (120 points)
I’m a beginner in seatoaster, i’m using this widget: {$featured:area:Name:Max.result:Max.chars:imgc:random}
But the text it display is to short, only in four rows, may I display more rows?

Thanks in advance.

César from México

1 Answer

answered Jul 28, 2014 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Hello cgcesarcg!

To increase the number of characters you need to edit the parameter Max.chars
For example: {$featured:area:fa_name:5:250:imgc:random}, where

fa_name - name of the featured area
5 - max. number of pages that are displayed in the featured area no matter how many pages are tagged in it
250 - max number of characters to be shown from a teaser text of the page
imgc - show cropped image
random - display pages in random order

If you still see only 4 rows it means that
a) either you have little text in teaser
b) or the text length in featured area is reduced by CSS styles

We hope this information will help you to resolve the problem.