Installation Stuck at Step 2

asked Jul 24, 2012 by simonwai (220 points)
This is the error I encountered:

Can't install database. Server sent following error: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'license' doesn't have a default value

1 Answer

answered Jul 25, 2012 by Pavel Kovalyov (2,300 points)
selected Jul 30, 2012 by simonwai
Best answer
Hi simonwai,
can you provide us more details about your server environment: version of PHP, MySQL and OS. That way will find solution for your problem faster.
Thanks in advance.
commented Jul 25, 2012 by simonwai (220 points)
Hi Pavel,
Here are the info:

PHP: 5.3.14
MySQL: 5.1.63
OS : Windows 7 professional.

commented Jul 27, 2012 by Pavel Kovalyov (2,300 points)
Hi again,
I guess I found a roots of your issue with installer. It seems that your server running MySQL in STRICT mode. Can you confirm if it's true? (Just run "SELECT @@sql_mode;" in mysql command line or via phpMyAdmin)
Also, we just published updated SEOTOASTER package v2.0.2. Check it out on
commented Jul 30, 2012 by simonwai (220 points)
Thanks, i downloaded the latest version (2.0.2) and I can install SEO successfully now.