Theme problems on installation

asked Aug 17, 2014 by fiaraz (120 points)
when logged in theme is fine.
when not logged in as a user its all over the place.

am I missing something obvious?

thanks in advance for any help.


1 Answer

answered Aug 18, 2014 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Hello Fiaraz!

Please make sure that your server is set up correctly. Here are the details, just in case - (the section Requirements on the left)

Also please verify that you have activated the rights to edit files in the folder "theme". This seems to be the main problem as far as we can see - you do not have enough rights to edit the files there.
commented Aug 18, 2014 by fiaraz (120 points)
have set up server as stated. and chmod 777 themes folder at setup but still no joy
commented Aug 18, 2014 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Here is what causes the problem -

There are not enough rights to modify the files inside the folder /themes/

Try chmod 777 -R themes
commented Aug 18, 2014 by fiaraz (120 points)
oh dear god it had to be something as simple as that!! ok thank you very much and i shall now go and hide in a corner!!