Create Drop Down Menu..

asked Aug 26, 2014 by verlinov (160 points)
Dear All,

Hi...Is it possible to create drop down menu di seotoaster...

Im appreciate for your reply.... ^_^

1 Answer

answered Aug 27, 2014 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Hello verlinov!

Sure thing, Toaster allows to create drop-down menus. For this you need to do 2 things:
1. Organize pages into sub-categories. For this when you create a pages select Main menu >> Category name in Navigation section

2. Style the drop-down in CSS (with or without JavaScript).

Let us know if you have any further questions.
commented Sep 5, 2014 by verlinov (160 points)
Dear SEOTOASTER  team....

tx for your help...

anyway, is it possible to have drop down menu until 3 level... For example Menu--> Sub Menu --> Sub sub menu ?

commented Sep 7, 2014 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Verlinov, Hello. There are 2 levels of navigation in the menu. Category/pages. However you can go as many levels down as you want by using featured areas.
The menu system accepts plugins. You can create your own menu plugin in which one you will allow for featured areas to be displayed.