Product not displaying price/buy etc..

asked Oct 13, 2014 by strebblo (470 points)
Hi all,
I've not yet bought a payment plugin for the site I'm currently working on - does this cause the products to not show price and purchase options?


1 Answer

answered Oct 13, 2014 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
selected Oct 13, 2014 by strebblo
Best answer
Hello Strebblo,

Price display is a function of CSS for list building and/or product landing page.

You should see prices on the checkout page.
As far as the purchase options, once you have downloaded/installed the payment plugin you wish to use, just paste the shortcode into the HTML template. You can see an example here;

Then, you will see a link to license/pay for the plugin, once paid the payment functionality appears on the checkout page.

For reference here is the general process to setup a store:

And since you're developing sites, consider using the website development framework that we now make available to the community;

It's great to build sites with SeoToaster.
commented Oct 13, 2014 by strebblo (470 points)
Big thanks for your quick reply.
That doesn't quite make sense to me at the moment - I can't add any product to the basket or get to the checkout page. All I'm seeing is the product image and description, no SKU, prices or 'Add to cart/Basket' buttons.

Surely as the products are set up with images and full details when you add them to the store, those details would be available when a product is listed?
commented Oct 13, 2014 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
It depends on the product list template you've built. Do you have a staging url?
commented Oct 13, 2014 by strebblo (470 points)
Yes I have a temp staging URL, can I PM you it?
commented Oct 13, 2014 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Sure thing Strebblo
commented Oct 13, 2014 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
As it turns out, make sure to select a product template when creating your products as documented here;

SeoToaster will then create an optimized product landing page just for you.

When you need to create product list, please watch the 2 min video tutorial here;
commented Oct 13, 2014 by strebblo (470 points)
Fantastic - hit the nail on the head there, thank you again :)