Login admin after installation?

asked Nov 6, 2014 by emediatecs (150 points)

I made a installation of CMS through my host's "softaculous installer". but I can't login to admin area http:e-mediatecs.com/go getting " there is no such user and password"

Have tried the apache server thing with out any luck.
Have tried to upload through FTP and install from schratch same result.

My error log is empty.

I run php 5.4

No error messages on http://e-mediatecs.com

you have successfully installed

Now log into your admin console at http://e-mediatecs.com/go

What's wrong?

1 Answer

answered Nov 6, 2014 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
selected Nov 6, 2014 by seotoaster
Best answer
Have you tried the forgot password link on http://e-mediatecs.com/go ?
you should receive a reset link in your email inbox?
commented Nov 6, 2014 by emediatecs (150 points)
Yes it says "no record matching admin@emediatecs.com" the mail adress for adminstrator used in installation.
commented Nov 6, 2014 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Your email address is admin@e-mediatecs.com not admin@emediatecs.com  :-) - That's why the system does not find it, and why you could not log in with it.
Please let us know how you like SeoToaster.
commented Nov 6, 2014 by emediatecs (150 points)
Arrrg, I fell stupid now!.

I can login now.

Thanks for your fast support

commented Nov 6, 2014 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
No worries, and if something appears complex with SeoToaster, chances are that it's either automated already and you have nothing to do, or it's so simple that you can't see it :-).