News template and google analytics

asked Nov 12, 2014 by pepem (300 points)
Hi there,

i am using the real estate template. Ther is no template for the news section in. How can i get i.e. the template from the demo site?

I have put my google analytics code in the ID Card but its not working.
Nowhere on any page to find tha analytcs code.

Please let me know what to do ... Thankyou.

Best regards


1 Answer

answered Nov 12, 2014 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Hello again pepe,

your question has been forwarded to one of our representatives,

thanks for using SeoToaster!
commented Nov 13, 2014 by pepem (300 points)
ok, the google code i put manualy in the template.But still missing the news templates ... Thankyou
commented Nov 14, 2014 by Alina, PM (300 points)
Hello Pepe!

Google code and blog are not interrelated.
1. Google code. If inserted correctly into the templates will give you the opportunity to track the site statistics (visits, rates) in Google Analytics.

2. Blog software allows to post news and updates on your site.
Fort this 2 templates are necessary:
1) Newslist template
2) Newspost template

In the newslist template you will need to add a special token (widget) which will build the list of your posts automatically:

The newspost template also needs to have its special widget for a post content. Here is its code:
{newscontent} ... {/ newscontent}

You may found more Toaster widgets and tokens by following this link

Kind Regards,
Alina, SeoSamba Project Manager