500 Internal Server Error

asked Sep 10, 2012 by citytierhost (120 points)

I have just downloaded the latest SEOTOASTER 2.0.3 and uploaded in the home directory of my website and extract it, after all when i try to go to the installation directory or going to browse the path, it gives me a server 500 error, i checked my .httaccess is fine and also my file and folder permissions are fine.

Server information:
Apache version    2.2.22
PHP version    5.3.15
MySQL version    5.1.63-cll
ReWrite Engine = On

1 Answer

answered Sep 11, 2012 by bashir (240 points)
As i worked and found the main problem for SEOTOASTER is file/folder permissions !
Seotoaster should be assign automatically file-permission to all files/folders correctly like Joomla and Wordpress.
It's just extract and next... next ... install ... finish :-)
But SEOTOASTER is little hard to install and config.
Hope to solve these questions.

Bashir Noori
commented Sep 11, 2012 by citytierhost (120 points)

After a successful installation i found a server error page and blank page, everything was going pretty well during the installation, but after installation is complete and i delete /install directory, now i can see blank page.

Hope SEOTOASTER team find a solution for this, same problem as www.afghanhelp.com.
commented Sep 11, 2012 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Hello Bashir.
The package comes with all permissions set already. In case the permissions were removed,  the first screen in the install process shows you what file should have what permissions (green or Red depending if it is good or not).  In fact you cannot go further into the install process without having the right permissions on files and folder.
commented Sep 11, 2012 by citytierhost (120 points)

We are talking here about blank page after installation, can you read the above posts and help us complete this installation?

Thank you
commented Sep 12, 2012 by Eugene Nezhuta (2,920 points)
edited Sep 12, 2012 by Eugene Nezhuta
This bug is fixed. Very soon we will release a new package, please keep watching us on facebook => https://www.facebook.com/seotoaster

also you can view this http://www.seotoaster.com/questions-and-answers/197/nothing-display-after-installation?show=201#a201 and read the last comment