Best Files and Folders Permission ??

asked Sep 11, 2012 by bashir (240 points)
Could any one let me know for assigning file permission for all folders and files ???
I mean which permission should assign for .htaccess, index.php, themes, core folder, etc...


1 Answer

answered Sep 11, 2012 by Eugene Nezhuta (2,920 points)
Hello there!
In fact it depends on your server's settings.. You could try following:

1. If php is running with owner perms

Folder /seotoaster_core/application/configs/ - 755
Folder cache/  - 755
Folder media/ - 755
Folder plugins/  - 755
Folder previews/ - 755 (with -R key)
Folder themes/ - 755 (with -R key)
Folder feeds/ - 755 (with -R key)
Folder tmp/ - 755
File system/coreinfo.php - 644
File robots.txt - 644
File sitemap.xml - 644
File sitemapindex.xml - 644
File sitemapnews.xml - 644

2. If the first didn't work for you

Folder /seotoaster_core/application/configs/ - 777
Folder cache/  - 777
Folder media/ - 777
Folder plugins/  - 777
Folder previews/ - 777 (with -R key)
Folder themes/ - 777 (with -R key)
Folder feeds/ - 777 (with -R key)
Folder tmp/ - 777
File system/coreinfo.php - 666
File robots.txt - 666
File sitemap.xml - 666
File sitemapindex.xml - 666
File sitemapnews.xml - 666