Nothing display after installation !

asked Sep 11, 2012 by bashir (240 points)
I have installed successfully the current latest version 2.0.3
Now nothing display, it's blank page !


1 Answer

answered Sep 11, 2012 by Eugene Nezhuta (2,920 points)
Please, provide us your error.log (or whatever php error log) file contents.

If you are running the Apache web server, add this to the .htaccess file in toaster root

php_flag log_errors On
php_flag ignore_repeated_errors On
php_value error_log /path/to/your/erro/log/file
commented Sep 11, 2012 by citytierhost (120 points)
The error is server error only, but after adding the above lines into .htaccess, we get a server internal error a 500 internal error.

thank you
commented Sep 12, 2012 by bashir (240 points)
on error_log file this error:
[12-Sep-2012 06:11:51 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function mcrypt_get_iv_size() in /home/afghanhe/public_html/plugins/api/Api.php on line 163
commented Sep 12, 2012 by Eugene Nezhuta (2,920 points)
edited Sep 12, 2012 by Eugene Nezhuta
Thanks Bashir! We will release a new package with a lot of cool updates very soon. This bug will be fixed there too. Thank you for your help to make Seotoaster betterŅŽ

If you are familiar with installing php extensions you can try to install the "mcrypt" extension, this should solve your problem
commented Jan 9, 2013 by cweidow (100 points)
I spent so much time installing this program today only to find out it doesn't work correctly! I have shared hosting and can not install mcrypt. Is there is a fix yet? Can explain how to install mcrypt on shared hosting? Thanks
commented Mar 31, 2013 by Nyte_Ryda (100 points)
Hey .. Yes i have the same problem ... it appears it is ongoing.....

i installed php-mcrypt and also added the appropriate info into my htaccess file....

would love to get this fixed as i love thhe look and feel of seotoaster ecommerce v2.

if anyone else is looking to install mcrypt all you have to do on a centos  box is

rpm -ivh
yum update
yum install php-mcrypt

some times enter 'y'

service httpd restart

finish, its works!
