Toasty Trucks

asked Nov 27, 2014 by proedu (410 points)
Honestly  i can say i am enjoy to use of seotoster open source in my life. I have been used other open source CMS before but i can say SEOTOSTER with SEOSAMBA is super CMS.
I have more than 50 unique site  i have developed with it and my clients is happy day to day. On my experience I have try use all the them we have and both of them are perfect.

But when create site with "Toasty Trucks" be honest the theme super and the built site is looking greet. The only problem i have with this theme is mobile version this does not work and it seen is different site with desktop version. Can help me to know how to update the mobile version
The site url is

Second thanks for your initiative with my previous question based on  FBGRAPH plugin sent to me by Danny yet is not working and i meet the same problem please help me can out of this
Thanks seotoster for quick and super support to us
Best Regard

1 Answer

answered Nov 29, 2014 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Hello proedu,

below is the answer provided to another user with similar issues. Please let us know if this helps?

For now mobile compatibility for Toasted sites can be achieved by two ways:

3.a. Simpler mobile version.
Consists of independent mobile templates with their own CSS styles. Such templates are marked as “mobile pages” in Toaster ( and they get populated on mobile devices instead of desktop templates.
Please note that mobile templates cover only those pages which belong to them, the rest of pages are shown with original desktop design on mobile devices.
By the way the theme is built with mobile templates. We are going to update it in the nearest future for our Toaster users because now it seems to have lost some formatting.

3.b. Advanced mobile version.
The idea - all the templates are built with CSS media queries with the integration of responsive/adaptive design.
I'm happy to present you our special CSS framework called Flexkit. It allows to build pages responsive by default and then modify them to fit mobile devices any way you want (hide, restyle blocks, change their behaviour etc.).
You are welcome to download Flexkit and learn more about it here
By the way this theme and the one available with the latest Toaster version are built on Flexkit CSS framework.