Hosting google fonts

asked Jan 7, 2015 by fippu82 (600 points)
If Google CDN can't be reached, e.g. from China like in my case, also the Google fonts (which are used in many themes) won't be accessible. Haven't found out if Seotoaster handles this already or offers an alternative (it has actually more to do with the themes than with the Toaster itself ). Otherwise,  I just found the following resource which offers a tool to download the fonts and conventiently create the needed CSS, so that everything can be uploaded ot the own server and served from there without the need for the visitors to connect to Google:

related to an answer for: SeoToaster change from jquery CDN to local

1 Answer

answered Jan 19, 2015 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Best answer
NOTE: the comments for this question were accidentally deleted.

We have suggested another solution to fippu82 as on

Here is fippu82's answer :

Thanks a lot for your answer and the interesting links! In the meantime I downloaded the fonts to my server and host them there including the CSS. Works fine. Depending on performance considerations, I will consider the Useso mirror.

I love Seotoaster and will surely use it for new projects in the future!
Keep up the great work. Just one thing: Documentation could be much more comprehensive (and save you a lot of time to answer questions in this board :) )