Step 1 of Install = Zilch...

asked Oct 21, 2012 by deros3 (120 points)
Unzipped to directory
Pointed browser at URL
URL redirected to the install/index.php...But nothing shows up.  Just a blank screen.

Here is information on my environment:
CentOS 6.2
MySQL 5.1.61-4.el6

Any help will be much appreciated.

1 Answer

answered Oct 22, 2012 by Andrey Budchenko (3,900 points)
Please, provide us your error.log (or whatever php error log) file contents.

If you are running the Apache web server, add this to the .htaccess file in toaster root

php_flag log_errors On
php_flag ignore_repeated_errors On
php_value error_log /path/to/your/erro/log/file
commented Oct 22, 2012 by deros3 (120 points)
Here is the error that I am getting:

PHP Warning: require_once(Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [I removed the path here]../seotoaster_core/library/Zend/Application.php on line 80

Line 80 is looking for 'Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php.'  In the loader directory I have:
PluginLoader [directory]
Exception [directory]
Autoloader [directory]
AutoloaderFactory.php [file]

commented Oct 23, 2012 by Andrey Budchenko (3,900 points)
Please, can you provide to us phpinfo configuration.
commented Oct 23, 2012 by deros3 (120 points)
commented Oct 23, 2012 by Andrey Budchenko (3,900 points)
Please check.  In shared hosting you can have some problem with permissions. Please check error log at your cpanel. And if you have some errors with permissions. Change then permissions for folders 755 and for files 644.
commented Oct 23, 2012 by deros3 (120 points)
The only errors I am getting are that a file does not exist...I assume that the Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php should actually exist in the Zend/Loader/ directory...It does not.  Perhaps I am wrong,  but shouldn't the "Autoloader.php" file be included in the seotoaster download?    I just downloaded and unzipped again...and there still does not appear to be an "Autoloader.php" file in the "seotoaster.v2.0.4\seotoaster_core\library\Zend" directory.  Is this correct?
commented Oct 23, 2012 by Andrey Budchenko (3,900 points)
Yes Autoloader.php comes with package. You can find it in "yoursiterootfolder/seotoaster_core/library/Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php
commented Oct 23, 2012 by deros3 (120 points)
Please be patient with me...I guess I am not explaining this correctly:  yoursiterootfolder/seotoaster_core/library/Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php  Does NOT exist - I also downloaded another zip file and it doesn't exist in that file either.  The ONLY php file in the ../seotoaster_core/library/Zend/Loader/ directory is AutoloaderFactory.php.  I am pretty sure this is the issue.  

In the loader directory I have:
PluginLoader [directory]
Exception [directory]
Autoloader [directory]
AutoloaderFactory.php [file]

That's it. It appears that the Autoloader.php did not come with the package.
commented Oct 23, 2012 by Andrey Budchenko (3,900 points)
edited Oct 23, 2012 by Andrey Budchenko
I now downloaded the zip too from In folder seotoaster.v2.0.4\seotoaster_core\library\Zend\Loader. I have Autoloader.php AutoloaderFactory.php ClassMapAutoloader.php ClassMapAutoloader.php Exception.php PluginLoader.php SplAutoloader.php StandardAutoloader.php and folders: PluginLoader, Exception and Autoloader.