User registration form doesn't render

asked Jan 23, 2015 by carlo15 (450 points)

I build a page where new users can register on their own to access the member's area of my website, but the login signup form doesn't render. I am using the {$member:signup} widget. The websites is running on seotoaster v2.3ecommerce2.3.

Am I missing something?

Thank you, best regards,

Carlo Stefani

2 Answers

answered Jan 24, 2015 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Hello Carlo,

support team has been notified of your question about SeoToaster's member area widget,

thanks for using SeoToaster!
answered Jan 26, 2015 by Artem (1,320 points)
Hello, Carlo
You are using proper widget {$member:signup}. Can you see this message  "You have to be logged out to see the sign-up form"  ? Also can you send us the link to the page on your website. Then we can look on it and provide you response.
commented Jan 27, 2015 by carlo15 (450 points)
Hello, thank you for your answer. Here you can see the user registration page: . Consider that the form at the bottom of the page - the one with the red button - is an external form (email marketing software) for asking information. When I am logged in I see the mesage, but when logged out nothing is displayed. I tryed the same thing with a "dummy" install of SeoToaster and I get the same results. Thank you!
commented Feb 2, 2015 by Andrey Budchenko (3,900 points)
Hello Carlo.

Can you provide us ftp access to your website? Because we can't emulate this behavior. Please send it on .

Thank you.
commented Feb 2, 2015 by Andrey Budchenko (3,900 points)
Hello Carlo.

The problem is on your php setup. You missed 'imageftbbox' from GD library. Without it "captcha" can not be generated as result form is not rendered. You can adjust your settings or use widget without captcha {$member:signup:nocaptcha}.

Thank you.
commented Feb 4, 2015 by carlo15 (450 points)

I will check this out with server support and update the question with the results. Thank you very much!