using e-commerce on my own domain

asked Jan 23, 2015 by aka signs (140 points)
i am new to this whole website building and ecommerce.. i am starting a small business and i am building a website. i would like to have people be able to get a quote, shop and buy something using SEO on my this possible, are there any video to assist me with this?

1 Answer

answered Jan 24, 2015 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Welcome aka signs,

you are right to look into SeoToaster as it is the easiest and most efficient ecommerce software to build, manage and market your online shop, B2B  platform or corporate website using "white hat" SEO and the latest online marketing techniques.

For a first look at why SeoToaster will let you enjoy more traffic, leads and sales for your B2B website or web store with built-in marketing, please visit

There are videos on this page but you can see more tutorials for specific functions and how to use them on our video channel :

Please let us know if that answer your question - if you need help with building and marketing your website please drop us a note explaining your project.

Thanks for considering SeoToaster
commented Jan 25, 2015 by aka signs (140 points)
i have installed your software on my web host site and want to start to build my shop. I am not seeing a way to do this, does my site need to be live before i can access this feature, it is still under construction? How can i build this before my site is finished so i can add it when i go live or at least very shortly there after?? Thanks..
commented Jan 26, 2015 by Artem (1,320 points)
most likely you have installed the version without shopping... to start using the shopping you should download  ecommerce version
commented Jan 27, 2015 by aka signs (140 points)
i found it... yeaaaa.. now I'm learning about samba... and trying to learn how to build my ecommerce.. any advice??