seotoaster V2 CMS + Ecommerce

asked Oct 30, 2012 by marc (1,320 points)
do you have date for it?

1 Answer

answered Nov 6, 2012 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Hello Marc,

SEOTOASTER V2 Ecommerce is coming out on Monday, November 12th (and..pardon my French; it kick asses).
asked Nov 7, 2012 by marc (1,320 points)
edited Nov 7, 2012 by marc
order for the delivery or transportation of the quote
commented Nov 16, 2012 by marc (1,320 points)
some news please !!  :)
commented Nov 19, 2012 by marc (1,320 points)
ok tk!!!! but i can't use quote service :( i try again