How add or modify the access ?

asked Nov 28, 2012 by camillekaz (160 points)
edited Nov 29, 2012 by camillekaz

I would like add a new role or modify a role.

I search to custom the access to the copywriter for exemple. I would like he can create page and organize menu too. And not just edit the content.

OR desactive a part of admin menu for the "admin" (not superadmin)

I find the file Adminpanel.html with all the menu & the tools security file Acl.php...But how can i change the access of roles ?!

What the best solution ? How can i make this ?
Thx for your help.

1 Answer

answered Nov 29, 2012 by camillekaz (160 points)
If any body have the same question, i have found a solution.

I have insert this code in adminpanel.phtml to choose what the "admin role" user don't see when he is connected :

<?php if(Tools_Security_Acl::isAllowed(Tools_Security_Acl::RESOURCE_USERS)): ?>


<?php endif; ?>

And the superadmin user see all the menu.