My quote system

asked Jan 10, 2013 by marc (1,320 points)
have you got some info about SEO and quote?
i try to but i can't to build one...
tk for yours answers

1 Answer

answered Jan 10, 2013 by Chris Clavel (180 points)
Hello Marc
Are you trying to build the website and need info about the SEO features and the quote system ?
Or are you seeking help and need a quote to build the website + its SEO ?
commented Jan 10, 2013 by marc (1,320 points)
I try to use the latest SEO Toaster but all my tests are failures ...
I go to the site "demo" and it is the same thing.
I already had the info on bug fixes and I wanted to know if the update had been made ​​and if ca work finally :)
commented Jan 10, 2013 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
What do you mean, you can't build the quote system?
Did you add the quote shortcut to the cart checkout page? or to a product page to retrieve quotes requests from users? In that case you need to add {$quote:form} to either template (it works also if you insert the shortcut into a front-end C container for instance)
or are you trying to build a quote template? If so, please look at the quote section on - it documents the various usable shortcuts there.