Errors when changing the theme

asked Jan 11, 2013 by erizo (170 points)
Hello I installed without problems seotoaster (all working) I love it! ... however when I changed the default theme that comes ... decomposes the entire site and appear on pages messages like this "Can not create a widget: Can not load widget Static: static", "Can not create a widget: Seotop Can not load widget: seotop", "Can not create a Home widget: Can not load widget main_menu: main_menu ", among others.

It is a fault of my server ... can be fixed somehow

Awaiting reply, Sincerely

1 Answer

answered Jan 11, 2013 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
selected Jan 12, 2013 by seotoaster
Best answer
I think you uploaded a Toaster V1 theme....
Let me know if I am right.
commented Jan 11, 2013 by erizo (170 points)
Yes, you are right.