How to release page from seotoaster??

asked May 18, 2015 by shirish (120 points)

I created a page in seotoaster. Now I want to send its link to another person. when I send page link to any other person It must ask to log in to seotoaster. It does not open a page directly.

Is there any way to release page from seotoaster and send to to another people.??

Thank you!

1 Answer

answered May 18, 2015 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Hello shirish,

we are not sure what you are trying to accomplish here; is this a regular page or a password-protected page?

If it is a simple page just make sure you have "published' it: go to the page, SeoToaster Control Panel click on: PAGES > THIS PAGE > EDIT PROPERTIES and make sure the "Published" check box is checked.

If this is a different issue, please give us more details so we can help you.

Thanks for using SeoToaster!
commented May 18, 2015 by shirish (120 points)

Actually, first I create a 'partial template' for landing page.
then  I crate a page called 'Sample1'.  and I select that  template for this page.

Now my page is created...

So can you please tell me how do I send this page to another person?
commented May 18, 2015 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Just like any other web page, you just need to send the URL link to the person, provided it is "published" and not password-protected there isnt any reason why it should not be displayed. If you can see it, anybody should see it.

You can send the link to if you'd like, we'll see if we can see it ourselves :)


SeoToaster Team
commented May 18, 2015 by shirish (120 points)
obviously, But when I send a link to any person it will go to seotoaster login page. Not to my created landing page.
commented May 18, 2015 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Please send us the link to so our engineers can see what's wrong with that page. It's hard for us to diagnose something we can't see ;)


SeoToaster Team,
commented May 18, 2015 by shirish (120 points)
edited Feb 9, 2016 by shirish
Ok... Thanks.