Can't update a product page

asked Feb 18, 2013 by marco (180 points)
edited Feb 23, 2013 by marco
I seem to have a really odd problem in that I don't seem to be able to edit a product that I have entered.

I get the new product/edit product screen but any changes made are not saved. In fact, the save button doen't appear functional.

I checked the underlying database, and can see it it is NOT updated.

Other odd things apear to not work in this screen also... adding a related product via cross-selling flashes up the selections made but then displays a null product box.

I tried looking at the pre-done entries (bamboo box) and its related products appear just the same as mine.

It is the first time I have used SeoToaster, so it is probably something I have done wrong...I read the FAQs but couldn't locate anything similar.

Thanks in advance, Marco

2 Answers

answered Feb 18, 2013 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Hello Marco,

Could you please email the URL to your site as well as its login credentials to and we will look into this issue for you?
answered Feb 18, 2013 by Andrey Budchenko (3,900 points)
Hello Marco.
Your hosting has restrictions on using methods(such as PUT, DELETE) that used at the Rest Api of the shopping.
Thank you.
commented Feb 18, 2013 by marco (180 points)
edited Feb 23, 2013 by marco
Thanks for your quick reply.

I think you are referring to permissions as seen from PHP...

I checked the permissions given to the MySQL tables and the user has full permissions there. (Actually testing using the root user with no limits).

I have reinstalled SeoToaster (unzipped and replaced). This should have restored any problem permissions.
I then did a chown -R www-run *
this is the user that php uses under Ubuntu if I am correct.

The install script was re-run and all appeared to be okay.

I still see the same issue.

I have dropped an info.php file in the root of the site directory so you could verify any settings.

Just as a note, this is running on one of our own virtual machines so there is no hosting company involved... just us... We have full access to this machine.

Thanks Again.
commented Feb 19, 2013 by Andrey Budchenko (3,900 points)
Hello Marco.
This is not the file permissions.
On your hosting you have restrictions on using http methods(such as PUT, DELETE)  for apache.
Thank you.
commented Feb 19, 2013 by marco (180 points)
Thanks for the info...

I got to the bottom of the issue, and publish it here in case anyone else runs in to the same issue.

It was to do with how I had installed PHP5. I chose the libapache2-mod-php5filter module rather than libapache2-mod-php5. The filter module changes the Apache2 config and does not allow PUT & DELETE methods to reach PHP.

Installing the  libapache2-mod-php5 replaced the filtered version and all is now okay.

Thanks again for your interest and assistance.