String could not be parsed as XML on Website id Card

asked Mar 12, 2013 by Graka (120 points)
I filled in the form website id card, after I press the save & connect  button will then appear "String could not be parsed as XML".
So what I have to do to fix this problem?

1 Answer

answered Mar 12, 2013 by Andrey Budchenko (3,900 points)
Hello Graka.

Please, provide us your error.log (or whatever php error log) file contents.
If you are running the Apache web server, add this to the .htaccess file in toaster root
php_flag log_errors On
php_flag ignore_repeated_errors On
php_value error_log /path/to/your/erro/log/file
Also can you provide to us phpinfo configuration.

Thank you.