Product listing code

asked Aug 18, 2015 by gmxindia (500 points)
We want to customize the grid listing and product listing code. The default widget is not compatible with out theme. Can you suggest some alternate solution. We are able to customize the related products widget.

We are not able to figure out a way for the product listing code. If any kind of documentation is there, it will be of great help.

1 Answer

answered Aug 21, 2015 by Eugenie (2,560 points)
Hello gmxindia,

SeoToaster enables you to feature the products in products list or separately. Both solutions are available from Container editor - Products. You can either feature the products by tags/brands or pick up the products from the list.

The SeoToaster documentation can be found here

Best regards,
commented Aug 1, 2017 by marcb (100 points)
I dont think that page qualifies as documentation.  Whare are the instructions for setting and using SeoToaster?
commented Aug 1, 2017 by Eugenie (2,560 points)
Hello Mark,

Please check How to use SeoToaster section on our website:

Best regards,