Google products XML feed not working

asked Aug 19, 2015 by gmxindia (500 points)
google products xml free is not working...

we keep getting blank screen .. my website link

site map is working fine we are facing problem with google products xml file...

1 Answer

answered Aug 21, 2015 by Vitaly (1,040 points)

It seems that you have not enough memory on your hosting.

Please, provide us with your error.log (or whatever php error log) file contents.
And it will be greate if you could provide us with output of phpinfo() function.

To do it please create php file that contanis just <?php phpinfo(); ?> in your web root directory, and open it in browser http://YOUR_DOMAIN/NAME_OF_FILE.php

If you are running the Apache web server, add this to the .htaccess file in toaster root:

php_flag log_errors On
php_flag ignore_repeated_errors On
php_value error_log /path/to/your/error/log/file

With this information we will be able to provide you with the technical support.

We are looking forward to your reply.
Kind regards,
SeoToaster Support