Redirected to homepage after checkout?

asked Jun 18, 2013 by lmarshall1995 (430 points)
I have made a website with my products all on the site and would like to add customers now.

If I sign in as a member and try to buy a product, I cannot, as I am re-directed to the home page.

I would like to know what I have to do in order for the site to send an e-mail to my e-mail address with details of the products being bought from the customer to me, so that they can pay in cash or cheque when I see them.

It is for a charity, so I cannot spend any money on this, but any help will be a great help.

1 Answer

answered Jun 19, 2013 by seotoaster (14,700 points)

do we get a geek badge if we help :-)?

You need to deploy the quote form widget code {$quote:form} in the payment step within your checkout page template.

Then setup an action email (Others menu) for account creation if you want customers to be made aware an account has been created for them (using tokens listed here: ). For them to receive an email when requesting a quote go to the following action email area: . Add a recipient to sales person or admin to receive a notification as well. To view quote request, log into your CMS, go to STORE/dashboard/quotes. You can also generate quotes over the phone.

For the member issue, please give us a member account so we can understand better the situation.

commented Jun 24, 2013 by lmarshall1995 (430 points)
login data sent.