Installation problem

asked Jun 20, 2013 by David Harvey (120 points)
edited Jun 20, 2013 by David Harvey
I can seem to get past the first screen and be able to click next.  The Magic quotes error keeps on coming up.  I've created a php.ini file and pasted it pretty much everywhere but it hasn't changed anything.  I've also replaced my htaccess file with the one provided and still nothing.  Any ideas?

I've created the SQL database so i'm ready to run once I get past this stage.

Further to this my hosting site is saying im running php 5.3 which is automatically set to off.

1 Answer

answered Jun 21, 2013 by Andrey Budchenko (3,900 points)
Hello David Harvey.

For disabling Magic quotes try to put  the same php.ini on 'install' folder.

Thank you.
asked Sep 26, 2013 by robin (120 points) i have installation problem on Hostgator