Product Picture Size?

asked Jun 21, 2013 by Brittany Sexton (140 points)
How do I change the size of the product picture? Or how can I change what is show on the product page?

2 Answers

answered Jun 24, 2013 by lmarshall1995 (430 points)
Simply make the image that you upload at the desired size, although, this only works if you want it the picture smaller than 300px x 300px.
answered Jun 24, 2013 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
You can also add as many pictures or videos as you wish on the product landing page itself. Go to a C container on the page (or add one in the template with {$content:XYZ}  see for more shortcuts) and pull the image that you have previously uploaded using the Media/upload things menu.

You can also add a "Direct upload" shortcut so that you simply click the image holder on the product page itself to be prompted to upload your image file.