Single Page Checkout Designs

asked Jul 3, 2013 by Brittany Sexton (140 points)
So I think I accidentally deleted a plugin or widget or something from my HTML editor on my checkout page. I can not figure out how to add it back.

Before it looked similar to this checkout page

I tried to use their HTML codes but that was a miserable failure!!


1 Answer

answered Jul 4, 2013 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
It's hard to tell what you have deleted without additional information. What's the url of your website?
commented Jul 4, 2013 by Brittany Sexton (140 points)
commented Jul 4, 2013 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Please send your website's credentials to so we can look into your checkout page code.
commented Jul 4, 2013 by Brittany Sexton (140 points)
What is website credentials?
commented Jul 5, 2013 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
super admin username & password - please email to
commented Jul 8, 2013 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Btw, we did restore the checkout page for you on your site. Cheers
commented Jul 8, 2013 by Brittany Sexton (140 points)
You did? I've been playing around with it all day. And I haven't noticed any difference. :/
commented Jul 9, 2013 by Brittany Sexton (140 points)
I deleted the checkout process, how can I get it back?
commented Jul 10, 2013 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Hello Brittany, we restored the checkout page template from the theme package. You can see it now on your site or on this screenshot:

We've enabled the flat rate shipping for you. Go to shipping config to edit settings as require or load one of the shipping plugins available on the marketplace.

You want to make sure to read the following info, it will give you some guidance, and an overview of the tasks you need to perform to properly set your store up:

Cheers !