Add to cart without oppening it

asked Oct 23, 2015 by Moss67 (190 points)
Thank you for sharing Seotoaster,
How can i do to disable cart opening when consummers add something.
I just want a manually chekout when they finish their orders.

Thank you

1 Answer

answered Oct 23, 2015 by Eugenie (2,560 points)
selected Oct 26, 2015 by Moss67
Best answer
Hello Moss67,

Thank you for contacting SeoToaster support.

Please use this widget on checkout page template {$store:addtocart:{$product:id}:gotocart}

You can find more information on

Best regards,
commented Oct 26, 2015 by Moss67 (190 points)
Thank you for the answers, it' ok. But it's not in the template page, but in product page that i made the modification.