Page list doesn't show in link editor

asked Aug 7, 2013 by carlo15 (450 points)
When adding an internal link, there is no pages list in the link button editor; thus, I can't pick the page I want to link to, I have to manually copy/paste the url. How do I resolve this?

1 Answer

answered Aug 7, 2013 by carlo15 (450 points)
The page list in the link editor panel is rendered in Javascript, pairing pages h1 tag with the URL. Check for you pages h1 tag to see if there's any javascript braking character, like quotes ".
It can easilly be done by opening the 'organize pages' panel and doing a simple search for " (or any other character). Just remove any found mach from h1 tag and the pages list should be back in the link editor.
A big thank to Pavel from SeoToaster developement team for helping me out on this.