Customizing a theme

asked Sep 1, 2013 by ckosloff (260 points)
I have loaded both latest versions of seotoaster, with and without ecommerce, to my local server, so I can get acquainted with the platform before going live.
I need to produce something like, this is a website I developed some years ago in zencart.
It is very outdated so migration is not needed.
I want to keep the layout though, one left column and a center region, header and footer.
The left column has boxes, which I need for informational articles and tutorials.
None of your e-commerce themes suits my purpose, so I need help with a barebones theme that I can customize to my needs.
This is not a support question, my local sites work, just a question on how to adapt seotoaster to something else than showing products, stats, etc.
I am ready to buy plugins, but I need to understand how to setup the site first.

1 Answer

answered Sep 18, 2013 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
We answered this via email I believe, but for everyone's benefits, please visit to download an e-commerce theme skeleton. For the cms version, you can use the launch theme or the Dental care theme that is pretty bare bone.