Can't get beyond Step 1 in installation on Hostzilla

asked Oct 2, 2013 by tokoro (300 points)
Everything is OK on the screen.

I did the edit of the php.ini file to turn off Magic Quotes

However, I keep getting the "check" button rather than the "next" button, so I can't get to Step 2.

I set permissions to 777 for the installation

Cheers, Tokoro

1 Answer

answered Oct 2, 2013 by Andrey Budchenko (3,900 points)
Hello Tokoro.

You need to have the same php.ini inside install folder and website folder.

Thank you.
commented Oct 18, 2013 by tokoro (300 points)
Actually Andrey,

That didn't work either with Hostzilla.

I had to ask Hostzilla Support to "turn off Magic Quotes" on my account for me.

That worked.

Thanks for your reply!

Cheers, Tim