closed Successfully installed Seotoaster on Hostzilla, what is the next step?

asked Oct 5, 2013 by tokoro (300 points)
closed Oct 5, 2013 by tokoro
The only problem on the first install screen on my Hostzilla hosting account was Magic Quotes needed to be turned off.

None of the suggestions for getting rid of "Magic Quotes" by editing the php.ini or other files to turn OFF MQs worked on Hostzilla.

I asked my hosting tech people how to do that, and they turned OFF Magic Quotes for me.

Did the Install again and this time there was no "Check Again" button, it was NEXT, NEXT and NEXT....

I found a section in about Magic Quotes and I don't think I will ever need them, since I program in that kind of language...

Anyway, on Hostzilla everything comes up clear (OK) on the first screen of the install process when Magic Quotes are OFF.

My question above, is what to do when I login and get the Bicycle Website?

Cheers, Tim
closed with the note: Answered the question myself

1 Answer

answered Oct 5, 2013 by tokoro (300 points)
I finally found the "next step" which is to click on the tiny "wheel" in the top left of the webpage.

There were so many bicycle wheels, I didn't notice it...