I Can't Apply a Theme

asked Oct 11, 2013 by RedCanoe (120 points)
SeoToaster 2.1.0 eCommerce on localhost. (SEOtoaster.v2.1.0.ecommerce.v2.1.0)
I downloaded these 3 themes from your website:

At the side panel I upload a theme. (Layout, Themes, Upload Theme,{select a downloaded theme.zip file}, open.) The theme is installed and shows in the themes list panel.  I can do this with all 3 downloads.

However, when I click 'apply' on one of the theme graphics, I see some loading activity but then I get a big red display which says 'An Error Occurred / Application Error'.

Can you help me with this problem, please.

1 Answer

answered Oct 18, 2013 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Hello RedCanoe,

Did everything check out alright (green marks) during the installation?
Can you paste details about your environment here please?
commented Oct 31, 2013 by Trần Quang Tuyến (120 points)
Hello, I'm Tuyen, I can't apply theme and there are nothing in template.
commented Apr 18, 2014 by kemic (100 points)
hellow.. i have the same problem... evrythinh normal ( green marks ) when i instal theme,.. but when aplly it,says ''application error''

need help from u masterr... x)
commented Apr 20, 2014 by stavern (120 points)

I have the same problem exactly like RedCanoe..
I use the latest version of XAMPP.
And also I download the seotoaster V2.2.0 CMS
During the installation I got everything on green marks.
So, what more information or detail I need to provide so you can help me with this problem?

commented Apr 20, 2014 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Please, provide us your error.log (or whatever php error log) file contents