How do I add an address to gmap

asked Oct 11, 2013 by MagThom (160 points)
edited Oct 11, 2013 by MagThom
I was not the person that originally set up the gmaps plugin. How do I add an address to the map. The content container only shows the shortcode, and I don't see any way to edit the map. I don't see an address field at the top of the map. Thanks very much.

1 Answer

answered Oct 18, 2013 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Did you check this page?

You should be able to add location points on the map itself (separated by |). No need to click the content container.
commented Oct 28, 2013 by MagThom (160 points)
As it turned out, we had a really old map. We've updated and I'm ok.