Date for new training sessions

asked Oct 21, 2013 by ckosloff (260 points)
I would like to attend a training session, but they are closed at present, when will they re-open, if at all.

1 Answer

answered Nov 22, 2013 by David Culot (460 points)
Hello Skosloff, we have had no time to allocate to demos and webinars. We are planning on restarting them early January 2014. For now, we are rushing to push the new package with its updater, new interface out.. This is a lot of work.  So stay tuned, we are back real soon with some nice demos.
commented Nov 22, 2013 by ckosloff (260 points)
Ce n'est pas Skosloff, mais ckosloff, plaisanterie.
I will stay tuned, just shoot a reminder email and I will be there.