theme.jason some question

asked Jan 21, 2016 by marc (1,320 points)

I try to look at your files theme.jason but I found very complicated.
If I delete what is the consequence?
t there is a script to automatically achieve?
Thank you

1 Answer

answered Jan 25, 2016 by Vitaly (1,040 points)
Hello Marc,

Please explain, what do you want to do? Why do you want to delete theme.json file?
commented Jan 25, 2016 by marc (1,320 points)
I am doing a theme with download versions.
the theme.jason is very heavy and difficult to change and information shown do not correspond to my adaptation.
commented Jan 25, 2016 by Vitaly (1,040 points)
You can delete this file. Theme.json will be generated automatically.
commented Jan 25, 2016 by marc (1,320 points)
I clear the theme.jason and is still absent
it should make a particular manipulation to make it generated?
commented Jan 25, 2016 by Vitaly (1,040 points)
Try to download your theme
commented Jan 25, 2016 by marc (1,320 points)
no nothing changes :)
commented Jan 25, 2016 by marc (1,320 points)
yes ok...
i need to download website and not theme
it is ok Merci