XML sitemapproducts

asked Feb 3, 2016 by beth (290 points)
When entering a new product into the store where do you determine if it is new or used for Google sitemapproducts.xml? Currently everything we have enter apparently defaults to new condition but we need to add used equipment and it needs to be defined as used on Google sitemapproducts.

Thank you!

1 Answer

answered Mar 8, 2016 by Michel Leconte (1,560 points)
Hi Beth,

sorry for the late answer, your series of questions felt through the  cracks apparently.

As you rightfully point, there's no way to set the condition status at this point. We'll add this request to our development roadmap.

In the meantime you might want to convert the xml file into a Google spreadsheet, do a search replace, and link that sheet to your merchant account.
