
asked Nov 15, 2013 by ckosloff (260 points)
I need to create sub-categories in a nested menu.
For example, Cat 1, shows all sub-cats with an arrow that indicates that there is more, following that arrow, more subcats or landing pages appear.
related to an answer for: Editing categories

2 Answers

answered Nov 21, 2013 by Alina SEO Samba (180 points)
Hi Ckosloff!

The drop-down with the arrow opening more items on click can be achieved with the help of JavaScript applied to menu HTML.

Toaster CMS does not a separate feature for this.
asked Nov 21, 2013 by ckosloff (260 points) subcategories with javascript
answered Nov 21, 2013 by David Culot (460 points)
Ckosloff, Hello.
The toaster won't do this without javascript. It has a max of 2 levels in the main navigation menu. it will do Categories |-> Pages only. However, you can easily add featured areas in the in the landing page, and more featured areas in the featured pages, and so on indefinitely. It makes for a clearer navigation and nice landing pages with the use of the teaser images for each sub sub pages
commented Nov 22, 2013 by ckosloff (260 points)
Books are articles with several pages and a navigation menu, to add featured areas in featured pages seems a bit awkward.