Auto subdomain

asked Nov 20, 2013 by LaLaFa (120 points)
Hello. I liked your cms, but I need to create an opportunity for registered users automatically create a subdomain type Or give possibility at the moment of registration, the user to choose the subdomain for your future site of the species You want everything to work automatically without manually creating subdomains check box, for example with Apache mod_vhost_alias. It would be great if you create an opportunity not only to generate auto subdomain but assign your domain to the new subdomain. So, user created my site on a subdomain -, and then ordered ip in the dns his personal domain ~ Then turning at should open user created but on the domain Realize this functionality or not? How much will the realization of these opportunities and terms ? Thank you.

1 Answer

answered Nov 20, 2013 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Hello Lalafa,

there is a solution for web host described at

It covers the WHMCS script portion for handling customer support & sales.

Now, in addition to this, in order to perform what you are describing, you will need to either develop a server-side script or you can purchase a script server based license to update, provision and deploy automatically seotoaster installs for your clients.

Please contact us for this;

commented Nov 20, 2013 by LaLaFa (120 points)
Thanks for the fast reply!

Wrote you a message using the -

Really want to give our users an opportunity to work with SeoToaster CMS on my personal website using subdomains.
1. Registered - created my subdomain - chose template - edited the data in the template is a ready site on a subdomain.
2. If necessary, added his personal domain for you created in step 1 subdomain.

I regret that did not know about SeoToaster CMS.
If necessary, ready to work with WHMCS, but before the end of the WHMCS couldn't understand how to add the service, how it interacts with the user it is unclear to me.
commented Aug 22, 2014 by shri80 (160 points)

I am also looking for script which will auto install script for my client on every subdomain , is this script is paid or free I will be thankful if you provide more info
commented Aug 22, 2014 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Hello Shri,

we have a program for web host setup to install automatically subdomains for clients on a server when an order is placed from a WHCMS system.

We can also help you configure dedicated servers to host your seotoaster websites.

We also offer customized launch themes along with your own branded video,  and get your own version of the seotoaster documentation.

There's a little fee to participate in the program, but you can also earn revenues by providing your own branded version of our marketing software as a Service SeoSamba as a premium to your customers, make money on SMS and voice minutes, and build your own additional marketing services on top of it.

Please peruse that other site and contact us using the contact form found at