How can i change english language to vietnamese language in seotoaster

asked Nov 21, 2013 by Long Nguyen (140 points)
edited Dec 8, 2013 by seotoaster
How can i change english language to vietnamese language in seotoester. Is there anyone tell me how to translate to other language without some available. What file i need make a change? Thank you

1 Answer

answered Nov 22, 2013 by Chris Clavel (180 points)
Hello dear Long
Please follow that link for translation / localization of SEOTAOSTER.
Click on any Menu item like "Create a page", then select your language : Vietnamese, and then start translating away.
Do not forget to enter the code in Captcha field before saving at the bottom of the page, so you can resume next time you log in if you had not finished to translate the Menu item you were working on.
Then move on to next menu item etc ...
When completed, SEOTOASTER will mention you as an official contributor to the translation of this awesome CMS.
commented Nov 22, 2013 by Long Nguyen (140 points)
Thank you so much :)