How do I access the SEOToaster program installed by Softaculous?

asked Nov 16, 2016 by connie (150 points)
Perhaps you can help me. I installed SEOToaster on my site hosted by MacHighway. I used Softaculous to install and the install was successful. However, how do I use it? All that shows up is the demo. I checked the directory and there are a bunch of SEOToaster files, but nothing to start the app. This is all new to me so I’m probably not doing something right. But, what?

1 Answer

answered Dec 8, 2016 by Pavel.g (4,600 points)
selected Jan 5, 2017 by seotoaster
Best answer
Hello Connie.

You need to access the admin panel using, then enter the email and password you used for installing SeoToaster from Softaculos. You can also find screenshots here

Regards, Pavel.