Yes, guide still correct, but for step 8 you must use this code:
-- 05/12/2012
-- 'Content' filed type changed for the template table from TEXT to LONGTEXT
ALTER TABLE `template` CHANGE `content` `content` LONGTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL;
-- 25/01/2013
ALTER TABLE `page` ADD `preview_image` TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Page Preview Image';
-- 04/02/2013
-- Added option for search results
INSERT INTO `page_option` (`id`, `title`, `context`, `active`) VALUES ('option_search', 'Search landing page', 'Seotoaster pages', 1);
-- 19/03/2013
-- Changed form captcha to recaptcha
ALTER TABLE `form` ADD COLUMN `captcha` ENUM('0','1') DEFAULT '0' NULL;
INSERT INTO `config`(`name`, `value`) VALUES ('recapthaPublicKey', '6LcaJdASAAAAADyAWIdBYytJMmYPEykb3Otz4pp6');
INSERT INTO `config`(`name`, `value`) VALUES ('recapthaPrivateKey', '6LcaJdASAAAAAH-e1dWpk96PACf3BQG1OGGvh5hK');
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `form_page_conversion` (
`page_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`form_name` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`conversion_code` TEXT COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`page_id`,`form_name`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
ALTER TABLE `form` DROP COLUMN `tracking_code`;
ALTER TABLE `user` ADD `gplus_profile` tinytext COLLATE 'utf8_unicode_ci' NULL;
-- 08/05/2013 15:27:45
-- Mobile template type added
INSERT INTO `template_type` (`id`, `title`) VALUES ('typemobile', 'Mobile page');
-- 15/05/2013 17:34:15
-- Indexes for optimized table
ALTER TABLE `optimized` ADD INDEX ( `nav_name` );
ALTER TABLE `optimized` ADD INDEX ( `url`(30) );
-- 18/11/2013
INSERT INTO `config` (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('version', '2.1.0');
-- 21/11/2013
-- Main menu template type
-- version: 2.1.0
INSERT INTO `template_type` (`id`, `title`) VALUES ('typemenu', 'Menu');
-- 19/12/2013
-- User attributes table added
-- version: 2.1.1
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `user_attributes` (
`user_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`attribute` tinytext COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`value` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,
PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`,`attribute`(20)),
CONSTRAINT `user_attributes_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `user` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
-- 26/12/2013
-- SEO Intro fields for optimized table
-- version: 2.1.2
ALTER TABLE `optimized` ADD `seo_intro` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `teaser_text` ,
ADD `seo_intro_target` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `seo_intro`;
-- 29/01/2014
-- reCAPTCHA refactoring
-- version: 2.1.3
UPDATE `config` SET `name` = 'recaptchaPublicKey' WHERE `name` = 'recapthaPublicKey';
UPDATE `config` SET `name` = 'recaptchaPrivateKey' WHERE `name` = 'recapthaPrivateKey';
-- 07/04/2014
-- Add unique index into email_triggers
-- version: 2.2.0
ALTER TABLE `email_triggers` ADD UNIQUE INDEX(`trigger_name`, `observer`);
-- 22.05.2014
-- Action triggers e-mail or SMS service type
-- version 2.2.1
ALTER TABLE `email_triggers_actions` ADD `service` ENUM( 'email', 'sms' ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `id`;
UPDATE `email_triggers_actions` SET `service` = 'email' WHERE `service` IS NULL;
INSERT INTO `email_triggers` (`id`, `enabled`, `trigger_name`, `observer`) VALUES
(null, '1', 'store_neworder', 'Tools_AppsSmsWatchdog'),
(null, '1', 'store_trackingnumber', 'Tools_AppsSmsWatchdog');
INSERT INTO `email_triggers_actions` (`id`, `service`, `trigger`, `template`, `recipient`, `message`, `from`, `subject`) VALUES (NULL, 'sms', 'store_neworder', NULL, 'customer', 'Hello {customer:fullname},
this message is from your favorite store {company:name}.
We received your order on {order:createdat} date for {order:total}.
Your order status is {order:status} and will ship to {order:shippingaddress}.
Thanks for your business.', '', '');
INSERT INTO `email_triggers_actions` (`id`, `service`, `trigger`, `template`, `recipient`, `message`, `from`, `subject`) VALUES (NULL, 'sms', 'store_trackingnumber', NULL, 'customer', 'Hello {customer:fullname},
this message is from your favorite store {company:name}.
Your order {order:shippingtrackingid} for {order:total} placed on {order:createdat} is now {order:status}.
The shipping address for this order is {order:shippingaddress}
Thanks for your business.', '', '');
-- These alters are always the latest and updated version of the database
UPDATE `config` SET `value`='2.2.2' WHERE `name`='version';
SELECT value FROM `config` WHERE name = 'version';