SEO samba token not emailed

asked Oct 21, 2013 by ckosloff (260 points)
Cannot complete website ID card because SEO samba token not emailed.
I do have Ioncube installed, that is not the problem.
My registered email is broker(at)
It is not going to Junk or anywhere else, already checked.
Thank you.

1 Answer

answered Oct 29, 2013 by seotoaster (14,700 points)
Absence of SEO Samba token does not prevent you from completing the Website ID card.

The token is not emailed anywhere.

From the bottom of your website ID card, you can register an account - Then you receive an activation email.

Once received, you validate your email, and can log into

Retrieve your token from your account settings and input that value into your website ID card.
Your website then gets linked up to your newly created SEO Samba account. You can use the same security token for all your websites.

More info about SEO Samba's token can be found here;
commented Oct 29, 2013 by ckosloff (260 points)
Answer not satisfactory.
You are repeating the instructions that I have already followed several times.
URL is same as what you get at bottom of ID card
I never received activation email.
Also, I requested a password reset at the mojo website and never got email with link.
This is the problem: I am not getting system emails, they are not going to Junk, simply they do not reach me, email address works fine otherwise.
Anyway, Michel already sent the token over email and I entered it, however this is not the right way to do it, you have to address the problem and not keep repeating instructions that don't work.
commented Oct 29, 2013 by seotoaster (14,700 points)

We have users verifying accounts everyday. So email works.
I just created an account with my yahoo address, and received the verification email right away:

The issue is probably with your email server and spam filter. Also your email server is an open relay. As a result, you This should be fixed as soon as possible, as these mail servers are open to exploitation by third parties to deliver unauthorized email. Your mail servers should only relay mail for domains they are authoritative for.
